
Showing posts from July, 2020


Hello readers, so it's been a while we all are stuck in our houses due to this COVID-19. To be honest this a bit frustrating for all of us. Suddenly going from an excessively busy schedule to absolute free time is quite an unfamiliar situation for all of us. But even in these  critical situations, we have some positive aspects which we never paid attention to. We can spend more time with our family members and make our bond stronger. But What to do if you are stuck alone, Especially students or the office workers who live in a different city and were unable to go back to their home? There are a few ways that I find most effective and healthy for you. It's not always Netflix and chill or how to get a perfect body. It's about Changing our life with smaller steps. So Let’s get started. 1) LEARN A NEW HABIT : There is no limit or age for learning. One can learn anything anytime if one is determined enough to pull it off. You can start a new habit, that you have been thin

Laal Quila Visit Experience

After a long time I got a chance to go to New Delhi. So I planned to visit Laal Quila. I was really excited because of two reasons first I was in Delhi after a really long time and second I was going to see Laal Quila for the first time. I got ready early in the morning I made my arrangements. I was new to the metro also I didn’t know about the routes and different lines named like pink line, orange line etc. So for me it was really confusing but somehow I managed and finally reached at my destination. Laal Quila looks so beautiful when you actually see it. It was crowded though but whatever I went in and there were some shops mainly shops of jewelry items, show pieces etc.  It was really peaceful and so beautiful. Everything was so attractive the walls, big gardens, long corridors etc. I wanted to capture everything in my camera. It was really good. I spent my 2 hours and I was tired because it’s so big and you have to walk everywhere and I didn’t have a water bottle with me so I deci

Mobile Phones Affecting Your Sleep

Today gadgets like computers, mobile phones etc. have become a huge part of our life and gadgets are a need now.  According to Statista the current number of smartphone users in the world today is 3.5 Billion this is a very big number let us try to think in another way 3.5 Billion means 45.14% of the world’s population owns a smartphone. If we plot this on a graph it will look something like this: The gadgets specifically mobile phones have become such a huge part of our lives that people often find it hard to put them down even at the bedtime. It doesn’t look like a problem right? But it is, mobile phones affects your sleep in more ways than you realize. At the bedtime too people keep watching videos, playing games or randomly searching through web etc.  Two major things that are affecting us: Blue light emitted by the screen of mobile phones, computers or laptops etc. restrain the production of melatonin.  Now, melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep/wake cycle. So, you can c

Kota Junction

A city of expectation and dreams. Yes, I'm talking about Kota city located in Rajasthan, India. If we call this city a miniature India then it’s not false as you can find students from all parts of India living there and preparing for their respective exams. It's mainly famous for big coaching institutes, Hostels, PGs and Kachori’s (4 pm snack). Every year a huge number of students visit Kota city with some expectations and some dreams in their eyes. Mostly students who wish to appear for JEE or NEET come here. Things which you’ll see the most in the city are buildings , parks, hostels (more than coaching institutes) , coaching institutes (a lot), PGs , Stationary shops, Printing and photocopy shops , Kachori stalls etc. These are some things which you are going to find everywhere in the city. There are some famous coaching institutes located in the city like Resonance, Allen, Motion, Vibrant Academy, and Bansal Classes. City is clean and also has an airport (not working tho