Kota Junction

A city of expectation and dreams. Yes, I'm talking about Kota city located in Rajasthan, India. If we call this city a miniature India then it’s not false as you can find students from all parts of India living there and preparing for their respective exams. It's mainly famous for big coaching institutes, Hostels, PGs and Kachori’s (4 pm snack). Every year a huge number of students visit Kota city with some expectations and some dreams in their eyes. Mostly students who wish to appear for JEE or NEET come here. Things which you’ll see the most in the city are buildings , parks, hostels (more than coaching institutes) , coaching institutes (a lot), PGs , Stationary shops, Printing and photocopy shops , Kachori stalls etc. These are some things which you are going to find everywhere in the city. There are some famous coaching institutes located in the city like Resonance, Allen, Motion, Vibrant Academy, and Bansal Classes. City is clean and also has an airport (not working though). You can also see Chambal River a beautiful spot for some nice photographs. Some attracting spots in the city where you must go are Kishore Sagar , Chambal garden , Chambal Bairaj, Seven wonders park , Garadia Mahadev temple etc. 

A beautiful view of water with lighting and a temple situated in the middle you must check out this place it is located just next to the Seven Wonders Park. 

Kishore Sagar (near Seven Wonders Park)

It's not that clear but you can see Seven Wonders Park there the park looks really beautiful at night.

View of Seven Wonders Park and Kishore Sagar , look how close they are

A view from Chambal Bairaj  the bridge connects Nayapura to Kunhadi . In Kunhadi there is an area named landmark city where some main buildings of Allen are situated like Allen Samyak etc. 

View from chambal Bairaj

So , do visit once and get some Kachauris, and also if you want to share your experience in Kota  comment below.


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