Do we really need a timetable?

 Well many people try to make a time table and promise to follow it but the number of people who actually follow it is very less(lol) I know you must be wondering why I chose this topic , well if I say honestly “ it’s just randomly came into my mind “ though we all face this small thing in our life at some time. So, I decided to talk about it that do we really need a timetable to make our life easy going? And we will also answer some questions like Is it really needed? who needs it the most? 

So, let’s begin with the first question that do we really need a timetable, so I asked this question to some people lets see what they said

“To make our life easy going we don’t need a timetable in fact the less restrictions you have the easier it will be.”

“Maintaining a timetable is an unnecessary thing, it just bounds us.”

“Everyone makes a timetable but like when they realize that they aren’t following it they tear it and throw It in the nearest dustbin.”

Okay so we get a clear idea that a timetable bounds us, it is useless if not followed properly. But also, it depends on personal preference if you perform well in pressure then yes, a timetable can do a great job for you. 

If we move to our third question, then I think all the students try to make a timetable at least once in their school life and they make it really seriously. They include long studying hours but don’t care about rest hours and study breaks and the result we all know. You shouldn’t aim for bounding yourself and creating a time limit instead of this explore yourself take your time because everyone is different the time duration and the process of learning may vary. Don’t rely completely on timetable but that doesn’t mean you completely forget the time duration, you may not need a timetable but you definitely need to manage your time well otherwise you’ll end up wasting your time.


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