COVID-19 Things you need to know

Everyone is fighting from Corona virus many countries have imposed lockdown to get control over this virus. Vaccine for this virus is currently not available hence we need to know some ways as to save ourselves from getting infected. So I have listed some simple precautions that you can follow:
1. Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with soap water.
2. Maintain at least a distance of 1 metre when you are with others.
3. Avoid going to crowded places.
4. Use face masks when going out.
5. Avoid touching your face specially eyes, mouth, nose.
6. Maintain hygiene near you.
7. Eat Healthy.
8. Don’t go out unless it’s an emergency.
9. If you see some minor symptoms like cough, mild fever, headache don’t panic stay home and self-isolate yourself.
10. If you have fever and facing difficulty in breathing seek medical attention.
Always remember that precaution is better than cure!


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