
Showing posts from September, 2020


Hope - noun - the feeling of wanting something to happen and to thinking it will. . This blackwork illustration is about 'hope'. We have ambitions, dreams, desires, unfortunately sometimes things don't work out that way we want them to. But there's this dream we've been aiming for so long, be it a dream bachelor course, a dream job, or a cute lil cat we always wanted to have, we cannot give up that easily.  Here comes our strong will and dedication, that makes us hopeful. We hope to achieve our dreams, as we take little steps, one by one towards it. Our love and devotion towards this dream makes this feeling stronger. We sacrifice our sleep, we learn, we step back and plan, we keep trying, because now we feel hopeful. It's actually how real we are with our dream, that's all hope is about.   This year has been hard on all of us, but the to thing that kept us strong is 'hope'. A hope for a better day. It really is a strong word. Article and illustratio

After PUBG: Alternative Search

If not PUBG then what? sounds familiar, never mind let’s begin with the post so as you know by this topic already what I’m going to talk about. It’s always good if you have a plan B because sometimes you may face some situations which you never expected that’s true in the case of games also whether you play mobile games or whether you are a Xbox lover anything. Most of us know about this popular game called PUBG so I’ll directly jump to main content let’s see some alternatives for PUBG. GARENA FREE FIRE Garena free fire follows the same battle format as PUBG, it is like a compressed version of PUBG. Some people say it’s all same as PUBG though it has some small differences, but Garena Free Fire is the closest alternative for PUBG, it also uses less storage than PUBG.  COD Mobile  COD also has a popular reputation and stands in the list of top games, all the action and fun at one place with amazing graphics and amazing controls COD is the most popular game after PUBG and the second favo

Do we really need a timetable?

 Well many people try to make a time table and promise to follow it but the number of people who actually follow it is very less(lol) I know you must be wondering why I chose this topic , well if I say honestly “ it’s just randomly came into my mind “ though we all face this small thing in our life at some time. So, I decided to talk about it that do we really need a timetable to make our life easy going? And we will also answer some questions like Is it really needed? who needs it the most?  So, let’s begin with the first question that do we really need a timetable, so I asked this question to some people lets see what they said • “To make our life easy going we don’t need a timetable in fact the less restrictions you have the easier it will be.” • “Maintaining a timetable is an unnecessary thing, it just bounds us.” • “Everyone makes a timetable but like when they realize that they aren’t following it they tear it and throw It in the nearest dustbin.” Okay so we get a clear ide