
Showing posts from June, 2020

Understanding Social Distancing and it's Benefits

First thing we must know what is social distancing? So, social distancing is a way or you can say a method to prevent contact between individuals. It’s an effective way to reduce the spreading of the virus. Maintaining a distance of 2 meters from other people results in reduction in the spread of most viruses. Let’s talk about its benefits and answer the question why should one perform social distancing? Coronavirus is spreading easily through person to person. When a healthy person comes in contact with the infected one through the exposer to respiratory droplets from coughs, sneezes of the infected person. Keep in mind that the virus is host-specific which means it requires a suitable host to replicate, and it stays in the inactive crystalline state. The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that "COVID-19 is transmitted via droplets and fomites during close unprotected contact between an infector and infectee" So practicing social distancing the one way we can avoid conta

COVID-19 Things you need to know

Everyone is fighting from Corona virus many countries have imposed lockdown to get control over this virus. Vaccine for this virus is currently not available hence we need to know some ways as to save ourselves from getting infected. So I have listed some simple precautions that you can follow: 1. Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with soap water. 2. Maintain at least a distance of 1 metre when you are with others. 3. Avoid going to crowded places. 4. Use face masks when going out. 5. Avoid touching your face specially eyes, mouth, nose. 6. Maintain hygiene near you. 7. Eat Healthy. 8. Don’t go out unless it’s an emergency. 9. If you see some minor symptoms like cough, mild fever, headache don’t panic stay home and self-isolate yourself. 10. If you have fever and facing difficulty in breathing seek medical attention. Always remember that precaution is better than cure!

Which is the best time to study? (Students View)

A lot of people asked me to answer this "Which is the best time to study?" I know the question doesn't look that tricky and complicated but there are some things which you should know. Studying requires your full mental and physical attention it requires your all focus to the subject which you’re studying. So I did a survey asking this same question to some 11-12 grade students and here is the result: Most of the students study during the night and the second preference is evening slot after that afternoon and then at last early morning slot. So, the picture is very clear that students give their most time studying at night and that is because of some valid reasons that is you get a peaceful environment at night no disturbances nothing, clean environment also according to some students they can recall better when they sleep after studying